FLEX Winter Break Camp: Dec 30 – Jan 3

Flex will offer an on-site day camp open to all Creative Minds families Monday, December 30 through Friday, January 3 from 8 am – 5 pm; camp will not operate on Wednesday, January 1. The cost is $199 for the week and no discounts are available. Lunch and snacks must be provided by families.

The deadline to register is December 13 at 6:00 pm and enrollment of at least 15 students is needed. If there are not enough students enrolled Flex will notify families no later than Monday, December 16 that camp is cancelled.

Familes should use Eagle Gate to enter / exit campus and ensure they display, or have available, their campus access pass.

Families Currently Enrolled with Flex
Sign in (upper right corner) from the Flex portal for more information and registration.

Familes NOT Currently Enrolled With Flex
Families not enrolled with Flex but interested in participating please

Create an account.  Help on creating an accountadding students to the account, and registering for non-school day care is available.


If you have any questions please contact Flex directly (info@flexacademies.com) as Creative Minds cannot answer questions on the registration process, programming, or cost.